NextGen Ministries

The NextGen Ministries of South Edmonton Alliance Church is a gospel-proclamation ministry dedicated to nurturing the Christian faith of children and youth through discipleship programs. 

Our Weekly Gatherings

Preschool (15 months to 5 yrs old)

Sundays, 11:00-12:30pm

A good start can make all the difference in the world for your little ones. As they begin their experience with God, kids need the opportunity to develop their sense of wonder. Children will grow in the early stages of faith through a Bible lesson each week.

FaithLabs (6 yrs old to Gr. 6)

Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm

We will not be meeting: February 28, March 28, and April 18.

In this program, kids will participate in Big God Story lessons, games, music, and small groups to go deeper into and begin the transition into owning their faith. This program is a fun filled way to explore meaningful ways to serve God and others through their prayers, time and talents.

KidsU 9 & 11 (6 yrs old to Gr. 6)

Sundays, KidsU9 at 9:30-11:00am and KidsU11 at 11:00-12:30pm

On Sundays, we have two children ministry programs that coincide with our Worship Services. Stay for one session or both!

Kids keep growing and so does their desire to discover. Children will learn through hands-on activities and creative worship moments with a constant group of friends.

Youth Fellowship (Gr. 7-12)

Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm

We will not be meeting: February 28, March 21, March 28, and April 18.

Identity, belonging, and meaningful friendships is what we know youth are longing for, and we desire to build a space for them to receive just that. Through Bible teaching, we’ll discover and respond to God’s Word. Through relationship, we’ll imitate and reflect the love of Jesus that we have received first. And through life application, we’ll discover God’s call upon our lives as we navigate the different challenges and joys that will come our way.

We require parent/guardian Sign In/Out for each Children’s and Youth program, along with a signed Info & Consent Form. A NextGen Leader will be available to welcome you and help you out!