Pastor Yue-Ling Li 李程雨玲傳道
Cantonese Women’s Ministry Lay Pastor 粵語堂婦女事工傳道 (義務)
Pastor Yue-ling was born in Hong Kong. She was raised in a Christian school environment, but due to her rebellious youth period she was never able to accept Christ during this time. After some life experience and struggles, she finally decided to be baptized to become a follower of Christ in 2001. Praise be to God, for his grace and mercy as she has called to become a pastor. She has vowed to follow the Lord and to be His faithful servant.
李程雨玲传道成长于香港,自小在基督敎学校就读,可惜生性反叛,未肯接受主。 几经波折,终于在2001年受浸成为主的门徒。 因着主的恩典和慈悲怜悯,蒙召为传道人。 愿意紧靠着主,做个忠心的仆人。